BIIG Supersedure and E-rate Support
K12HSN's E-rate support team is here to help BIIG recipients navigate the service provider contract ownership transfer process and provide support through the e-rate process. Our purpose is to educate BIIG recipients regarding the grant process, receipt of associated services, financial responsibility, and E-rate implications.
Intended Audience: BIIG recipient school staff and administration, county office support personnel, service providers, and consultants.
Access our training materials and guides or sign up for one of our webinars below.
Contact us at
The e-rate support team periodically conducts informational webinars for schools and school districts receiving services from BIIG. The webinars are recorded for future viewing. We have five webinars focusing on different steps and timeframes of the BIIG grantee lifecycle. Each webinar is approximately 60 minutes in duration with the opportunity for a question and answer period for each.
Register for one of our upcoming live webinars below.
- Webinar 1 | Introduction to BIIG, What to Expect, and Roles and Responsibilities | Coming Soon
- Webinar 2 | Receiving Services, Contract Transfer, and E-rate Implications | Coming Soon
- Webinar 3 | Receiving E-rate/CTF Discounts, Paying for Services, & Ensuring Ongoing Connectivity at End of Contract | Coming Soon
- Webinar 4 | Filing FCC Form 471 for Services Transferred from Grant | Coming Soon
- Webinar 5 | Filing Form 486 and Coordinating Discounts with Service Providers | Materials / Recording
- Webinar 6 | End of BIIG Contract: Perpetuating Broadband Service & E-rate/CTF Subsidies | Materials / Recording
Access archived training webinars and materials
Training Materials and Guides
FY 2020-21 K12 BIIG Category 1 Form 471 For First Year Supersedure of Contract
FY 2020-21 K12 BIIG Category 1 Form 471 for Ongoing Contract
Additional Resources
Circuit Installation Tracker
Map of BIIG Sites