Superintendent Lomanto is in her 34th year in education. Superintendent Lomanto started her career as a high school science teacher, a coach, class advisor, and served as a teacher on special assignment.
Superintendent Lomanto held several administrative roles before being elected as the first woman county superintendent in 2015. Superintendent Lomanto was the principal of a large comprehensive high school for seven years, serving over 2,200 students. Superintendent Lomanto led the site during the 2008 recession, helping to close the achievement gap for English Learners and Hispanic students. Superintendent Lomanto was a champion for equity and access for all students and has carried that same passion into her Superintendency at the County Office.
Superintendent Lomanto was recently elected to her third term as County Superintendent of Schools. Superintendent Lomanto leads with experience, accountability, and provides strong leadership for the districts and community she serves. She is passionate about her work with the districts and community and because of her strong leadership, she has been awarded several distinguished awards; Association of California School Administrators Region 10 Superintendent of the Year, San Benito County Chamber Women of the Year, selected as the Trail Blazer of the Year by Senator Caballero, and League of United Latin American Citizens Women of the Year.
Superintendent Lomanto has led the County Office of Education with a strong commitment to meeting the needs of all students across the county. Under her leadership, the county office has developed and implemented three crucial initiatives: Building Bridges 2 Literacy, Healthy Minds Healthy Lives, and Arts Forward. Superintendent Lomanto has focused on building the leadership capacities of the San Benito County Office of Education administrative team to ensure the team leads with consistency, integrity, and compassion. She is extremely proud of the Local Control Accountability Plan approval team, Differentiated Assistance, and Comprehensive Support and Improvement teams, for their incredible work utilizing the improvement science model.
Superintendent Lomanto currently is a member of the California County Superintendents and sits on numerous committees within the organization. She is a board member of the K12 Highspeed Network board, was elected as the Region 10 ACSA State Legislative Committee representative, is a representative on the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence Advisory Board, and was selected be a representative on State Superintendent Thurmond’s COVID response and Literacy task forces, just to name a few.